
Of Revenge and Retribution

Of Revenge and Retribution. This is a story about no one particular funeral. There were two sides to old Merle’s family just as there were two sides to the argument that had been tossed about over the decades. Exactly how long no one could actually say. The cycle of retribution had grown stale and then... Continue reading

It was Never About the Fish

It was Never About the Fish. A few observations First, this story shares elements that are common to John’s story of Jesus meeting his disciples at the Sea of Galilee for a BBQ. See John 21:1-10. In both stories, we see a futile night of fishing, Jesus offers some unsolicited fishing advice, an overwhelming catch of... Continue reading

Presentation of Our Lord

Presentation of Our Lord Three cheers for the old fogeys. In my little lifetime, I think I have begun to see the first glimpse of a recovery of respect and concern for those folk who are ‘mature years’. Maybe you’re familiar with some of those charming TV shows where there is a cross-fertilisation of generations... Continue reading

Plunge Into Grunge

Plunge into the Grunge Over the years it has been my undeserved privilege to totter along to a few dinner parties. These were often colourful and riotous occasions with tasty food and refreshing beverages. Sometimes new acquaintances were initiated. Frequently old relationships were enhanced and strengthened. There was often giggling and sometimes uninhibited, raucous laughter.... Continue reading

It’s time to Play!

It’s time to play… “Catch the Snowball” I heard of this endearing game the other day from the other side of the globe. You create a snowball and allow your pet dog to see it. Then you hurl the snowball into the distance where it splatters into a thousand snowflakes. Your dog has followed the... Continue reading

Where is Home?

A reflection for Australia day Where is Home? Today’s story begins in 1981. I am visiting England for the very first time and somehow this naive country boy had not only managed to navigate Heathrow airport, the London spaghetti of railway lines, but also the regional rail service all the way up to a place... Continue reading

Three Cheers

January 19th 2025 Three cheers for Felicity and Fr. Scott. Clergy aren’t supposed to have favourite readings from the bible … are they? So perhaps it would be a better turn of phrase if I told you that today’s gospel resonates more powerfully with me than say… the beheading of John the Baptist or Judas... Continue reading


Today I shamelessly pinch some words from the guru Nick Cave. "You are right to be worried about your growing feelings of cynicism and you need to take action to protect yourself and those around you, especially your child. Cynicism is not a neutral position - and although it asks almost nothing of us, it... Continue reading

Baptism of Our Lord

Baptism of Our Lord 12/1/25 In praise of our excitable God In my mind’s eye I can very easily imagine the scene of today’s gospel. For one thing, those who have been to the river Jordan tell me that it would not pass our stringent O. H. & S standards. The river Jordan is not... Continue reading

Esse Quam Videri

The difference between doing and being. Someone once asked me if I had ever done anything else apart from being a priest. The answer is ‘Yes’. I had a very wise bishop who strongly encouraged me to go and get a regular 9 to 5 job so that I might have some sense as to... Continue reading

Epiphany 2025 | Jan 5

Epiphany 2025 - January 5th The poem I offer this week comes from Scott Bates. It’s cleverly written and takes the vantage point of one of the camels in the Epiphany story. The Camel tells us about his own search and it’s not the quest we often think of at Epiphany. Usually, we think of... Continue reading

Making An Investment

Making an Investment. Have you noticed that some media burbles at this time of year are where to invest your cash? Shares, property, term deposits and superannuation. They usually ask some guru to fill our space with what will be an astute and profitable exercise. One year I will note what they say and 365... Continue reading

The Bowl and the Towell

The first thing to reach for is … the  bowl and towel. Today’s story begins at a dinner party. The Master is there with some of the more snooty, well-to-do, entitled folk. It’s all going swimmingly well with the swilling of expensive wine and canapés that are more designed to be a work of art than... Continue reading

Mary’s Gift

By Norman Habel Mary’s Gift For long months I pondered my child within me, the line of its nose, the turn of its face. I pondered in pain how the lurking shadow of God had shaped form or deformity within my womb. Then we were two, Jesus and I, facing each other with shocks of... Continue reading

The Wise Women

A Reflection: The Wise Women Written by +Deon K. Johnson, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri. They came. As they always had. At every birth. The midwives. They came with the ancient wisdom. No fuss. No fanfare. They came as women always have with the insight of attending the most sacred act of birth.... Continue reading

Christmass 2024

Christmass 2024 The muck of our mistakes. It is easy when we know God is born into our good stuff, in our joy and giggling and triumphs. This is where we see Him, feel Him, and delight in the sense of closeness with Him. In these moments we do so easily with clarity and glee.... Continue reading

Advent 4

Advent 4 Who will make him welcome…?? This homily completes our advent series where we have been reflecting on some of our most popular christmass carols. A good Christmass carol, or any hymn for that matter, should not only be a joy to sing, should not just teach us something, but it will also challenge... Continue reading

The Challenge of a Silent Night

The Challenge of a Silent Night. Here we are on the cusp of another Christmass. At this time of year it’s easy to be diagnosed  with the disease ‘sensory overload.’ This is a highly infectious disease and passes quickly from one to another, especially in congested areas like supermarkets and dining establishments. There is no immunisation... Continue reading

Advent 3

Advent 3 What child is this? …What child indeed? We are reflecting on the words of some of our Advent and Christmass hymns this Advent. We sing them lustily and so frequently that we can easily forget that the words have something to teach us.  The best hymns make us think a lot. Today I... Continue reading

Hark: Sit up, Take notice. Listen!

Advent 2 December 8th. Hark:  Sit up, Take notice. Listen! During this Advent, we’ll be reflecting on the words of some of our Advent and Christmass hymns. We sing them lustily and so frequently that we can easily forget that the words have something to teach us.  The best hymns make us think a little.. or... Continue reading