Reconciliation lies at the heart of the Gospel. Humanity and Divinity reconciled is both the nature of Christ in his person and the content of his Mission here on earth.
The matter of sin is the matter of the real issue that keeps us separated from God. The work of many social works and the like is to assure people that they are OK. The Church is not opposed to that, however the message of the Church is a little different - You are forgiven.
The power of the forgiveness of sins is the power of the Cross.
This ministry is expressed in a number of ways. Most often when we come together for public worship there will be a space in the service for the confession of sins - often called the general confession - and the absolution will be declared by the priest (or Bishop is present). In our daily reflection and prayers we may often we aware of our shortcomings, and quietly recall and confess and be aware of God's promise of forgiveness in the Cross. For those who are troubled by some matter/s the Church provides that they may seek out a priest that they might hear their confession and offer Godly counsel and absolution.
The maxim in terms of private confession that is understood in Anglicanism is that - All may, Some should, and None must.