Some will feel the funeral is a Pastoral Office, rather than a sacrament, however we understand that the funeral sits well in the sacramental ministry of the Church as it represents and celebrates something of the moments of our encounter with God and the life beyond the life.
Funerals in the Parish may be accompanied by a celebration of the Holy Eucharist (Requiem), may be the order of the Burial of the Dead in Church or at some other convenient location, and undertakers chapel or at a graveside or crematorium. Be assured that the Church will always be available for a funeral.
Whatever the option you choose there are always three looks that form part of the rite. Firstly is the matter of looking back and giving thanks for the life that has been lived and for that part of the journey that we have shared. Secondly will be the matter of looking up to God who has created and sustains us all. And there is the matter of looking forward t the journey (including grief) that lies before us assuring one another of our prayers, our love and our support for that journey.