Anglican Church Hamilton
Of Revenge and Retribution
Of Revenge and Retribution. This is a story about no one particular funeral. There were two sides to old Merle’s family just as there were... Continue reading→
It was Never About the Fish
It was Never About the Fish. A few observations First, this story shares elements that are common to John’s story of Jesus meeting his disciples... Continue reading→
- To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
- To teach, baptise and nurture new believers
- To respond to human need by loving service
- To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation
- To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth
Our Parish acknowledges the Traditional inhabitants of the lands on which our churches sit. We pay our respects to the Elders past, present and emerging, for they hold the memories, traditions, culture and hopes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across these lands.
A better understanding and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures develops an enriched appreciation of Australia’s cultural heritage and can lead to reconciliation which is a redemptive act of God understanding and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures develops an enriched appreciation of Australia’s cultural heritage and can lead to reconciliation which is a redemptive act of God

Anglican Church Hamilton
We welcome you to the website for the Anglican Church Hamilton.
The Anglican Parish of Hamilton serves people in the Region of Hamilton, Penshurst, Cavendish, Dunkeld, and Glenthompson, in the South Western Region of the Diocese of Ballarat in Victoria, Australia.
Welcome is a word we use quite often, as people join us for a reason, or a season, and whatever that is, we rejoice to welcome you on the journey as pilgrims together. If you are wondering, you may find the I'm New Page quite helpful and will help you know what to expect. The worship program is set out on the Prayer and Sacrament Page.
The contact details for the Parish are in the footer, and on the Contact Page together with a web based form to send us a message. Contact Page
Please browse our site, for a wide range of information and resources. We welcome all who would visit, or walk with us for some part of the journey.
Many Centres, One Parish
Hamilton is the major centre of the Parish (Anglican Church Hamilton), and details of each centre and a map is on the respective pages, as well as the whole Parish on the Parish overview and a map of the whole parish.
Anglican Church Hamilton

† In Memoriam.
For the souls of the faithful departed especially, . . . .
together with all those we love and see no longer....
Rest eternal grant to them O Lord
and let light perpetual shine upon them.
St Patrick’s Breastplate
May the Strength of God pilot us.May the Power of God preserve us.May the Wisdom of God instruct us.May the Hand of God protect us.May the Way of God direct us.May the Shield of God defend us.May the Host of God guard us.Against the snares of the evil ones.Against temptations of the world.May Christ be... Continue reading→